Type Pools ABAP
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Mit Typgruppen lassen sich manchmal Typisierungen vereinfachen. In der Transaktion SE11 lassen sich die sogenannten Typgruppen aufrufen. Die Typgruppen werden im Coding mit dem Befehl TYPE-POOLS <type-pool> aufgerufen.
Beispiele für Type-Pools
Typgruppe ABAP
Die Typgruppe ABAP steht in jedem Report automatisch zur Verfügung. Es muss nicht explizit deklariert werden - kann.
In der Typgruppe ABAP sind viele Konstanten und Typen gesammelt, die in vielen Programmen genutzt werden können, z. B.
type-pool abap . ************************************************************************ * WARNING!!!!! DO NOT CHANGE ANY OF THE FOLLOWING TYPES! WARNING !!!!! * * !!!!!!!! All types have to synconized with R/3 kernel types !!!!!!!! * ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ * NAMES WITH PREFIX "ABAP_" DECLARED IN THE DDIC * MUST NOT BE REDEFINED HERE! ************************************************************************ * abap_encod * abap_endia * abap_repl ************************************************************************ **** GENERAL *********************************************************** types: abap_bool type c length 1. * constants for abap_bool constants: abap_true type abap_bool value 'X', abap_false type abap_bool value ' ', abap_undefined type abap_bool value '-', abap_on type abap_bool value 'X', abap_off type abap_bool value ' '. ************************************************************************ **** DESCRIBE ******************************************************** constants: abap_max_abs_type_name_ln type i value 200, abap_max_class_name_ln type i value 30, abap_max_intf_name_ln type i value 30, abap_max_comp_name_ln type i value 30, abap_max_key_name_ln type i value 255, abap_max_class_comp_name_ln type i value 61, abap_max_edit_mask_ln type i value 7, abap_max_help_id_ln type i value 62, abap_max_db_string_ln type i value 536870912, abap_max_db_rawstring_ln type i value 1073741824. types: * type kinds abap_typekind type c length 1, abap_typecategory type c length 1, abap_typepropkind type c length 1, abap_structkind type c length 1, abap_tablekind type c length 1, abap_keydefkind type c length 1, abap_classkind type c length 1, abap_intfkind type c length 1, abap_parmkind type c length 1, * misc abap_editmask type c length abap_max_edit_mask_ln, abap_helpid type c length abap_max_help_id_ln, abap_visibility type c length 1, * name types abap_typename type c length abap_max_class_comp_name_ln, abap_abstypename type c length abap_max_abs_type_name_ln, abap_compname type c length abap_max_comp_name_ln, abap_keyname type c length abap_max_key_name_ln, abap_keycompname type abap_keyname, abap_classname type c length abap_max_class_name_ln, abap_intfname type c length abap_max_intf_name_ln, abap_attrname type c length abap_max_class_comp_name_ln, abap_methname type c length abap_max_class_comp_name_ln, abap_evntname type c length abap_max_class_comp_name_ln, abap_parmname type c length abap_max_comp_name_ln, abap_excpname type c length abap_max_comp_name_ln, * structure component description begin of abap_compdescr, length type i, decimals type i, type_kind type abap_typekind, name type abap_compname, end of abap_compdescr, abap_compdescr_tab type standard table of abap_compdescr with key name, begin of abap_componentdescr, name type string, type type ref to cl_abap_datadescr, as_include type abap_bool, suffix type string, end of abap_componentdescr, abap_component_tab type standard table of abap_componentdescr with key name, begin of abap_simple_componentdescr, name type string, type type ref to cl_abap_datadescr, end of abap_simple_componentdescr, abap_component_symbol_tab type hashed table of abap_simple_componentdescr with unique key name, abap_component_view_tab type standard table of abap_simple_componentdescr with key name, * key description of tables begin of abap_keydescr, name type abap_keyname, end of abap_keydescr, abap_keydescr_tab type standard table of abap_keydescr with key name, * description of all secondary keys and primary key of tables begin of abap_table_keycompdescr, name type abap_keycompname, end of abap_table_keycompdescr, begin of abap_table_keydescr, components type standard table of abap_table_keycompdescr with non-unique default key initial size 4, name type abap_compname, is_primary type abap_bool, access_kind type abap_tablekind, is_unique type abap_bool, key_kind type abap_keydefkind, end of abap_table_keydescr, abap_table_keydescr_tab type standard table of abap_table_keydescr with non-unique key name initial size 2, * parameter description (methods and event) begin of abap_parmdescr, length type i, decimals type i, type_kind type abap_typekind, name type abap_parmname, parm_kind type abap_parmkind, by_value type abap_bool, is_optional type abap_bool, end of abap_parmdescr, abap_parmdescr_tab type standard table of abap_parmdescr with key name, * exception description (method and event) begin of abap_excpdescr, name type abap_excpname, end of abap_excpdescr, abap_excpdescr_tab type standard table of abap_excpdescr with key name, * exposed and access friend description begin of abap_frnddescr, name type abap_classname, end of abap_frnddescr, abap_frnddescr_tab type standard table of abap_frnddescr with key name, * included interfaces / interface implementation description begin of abap_intfdescr, name type abap_intfname, is_inherited type abap_bool, end of abap_intfdescr, abap_intfdescr_tab type standard table of abap_intfdescr with key name, * type definition inside class / interface begin of abap_typedef, name type abap_typename, alias_for type abap_typename, visibility type abap_visibility, is_interface type abap_bool, is_inherited type abap_bool, end of abap_typedef, abap_typedef_tab type standard table of abap_typedef with key name, * attribute description begin of abap_attrdescr, length type i, decimals type i, name type abap_attrname, type_kind type abap_typekind, visibility type abap_visibility, is_interface type abap_bool, is_inherited type abap_bool, is_class type abap_bool, is_constant type abap_bool, is_virtual type abap_bool, is_read_only type abap_bool, alias_for type abap_attrname, end of abap_attrdescr, abap_attrdescr_tab type standard table of abap_attrdescr with key name, * method description begin of abap_methdescr, parameters type abap_parmdescr_tab, exceptions type abap_excpdescr_tab, name type abap_methname, for_event type abap_evntname, of_class type abap_classname, visibility type abap_visibility, is_interface type abap_bool, is_inherited type abap_bool, is_redefined type abap_bool, is_abstract type abap_bool, is_final type abap_bool, is_class type abap_bool, alias_for type abap_methname, end of abap_methdescr, abap_methdescr_tab type standard table of abap_methdescr with key name, * event description begin of abap_evntdescr, parameters type abap_parmdescr_tab, name type abap_evntname, visibility type abap_visibility, is_interface type abap_bool, is_inherited type abap_bool, is_class type abap_bool, alias_for type abap_evntname, end of abap_evntdescr, abap_evntdescr_tab type standard table of abap_evntdescr with key name, * table for get_friend_types abap_frndtypes_tab type standard table of ref to cl_abap_typedescr with key table_line. ************************************************************************ ************* DYNAMIC CALL FUNCTION ************************************ types: * CALL FUNCTION ... PARAMETER-TABLE begin of abap_func_parmbind, value type ref to data, tables_wa type ref to data, kind type i, name type abap_parmname, end of abap_func_parmbind, abap_func_parmbind_tab type sorted table of abap_func_parmbind with unique key kind name, * CALL FUNCTION ... EXCEPTION-TABLE begin of abap_func_excpbind, message type ref to data, value type i, name type abap_excpname, end of abap_func_excpbind, abap_func_excpbind_tab type hashed table of abap_func_excpbind with unique key name. constants: abap_func_exporting type abap_func_parmbind-kind value 10, abap_func_importing type abap_func_parmbind-kind value 20, abap_func_tables type abap_func_parmbind-kind value 30, abap_func_changing type abap_func_parmbind-kind value 40. ************************************************************************ ************* DYNAMIC INVOKE ******************************************* types: * PARAMETER-TABLE begin of abap_parmbind, name type abap_parmname, kind type abap_parmkind, value type ref to data, end of abap_parmbind, abap_parmbind_tab type hashed table of abap_parmbind with unique key name, * EXCEPTION-TABLE begin of abap_excpbind, name type abap_excpname, value type i, end of abap_excpbind, abap_excpbind_tab type hashed table of abap_excpbind with unique key name. ************************************************************************ **** Types for CL_ABAP_CHAR_UTILITIES ********************************** types: abap_char1(1) type c, abap_cr_lf(2) type c, abap_byte_order_mark(2) type x, abap_byte_order_utf8(3) type x. ************************************************************************ **** CONVERSION ******************************************************** types: abap_encoding type abap_encod, abap_endian type abap_endia. ************************************************************************ **** CALL TRANSFORMATION *********************************************** * PARAMETER TABLE types: abap_trans_parmname type string, abap_trans_parmvalue type string, abap_trans_parmref type ref to data. types: begin of abap_trans_parmbind, name type abap_trans_parmname, value type abap_trans_parmvalue, end of abap_trans_parmbind, begin of abap_trans_parm_obj_bind, name type abap_trans_parmname, value type abap_trans_parmref, end of abap_trans_parm_obj_bind. types: abap_trans_parmbind_tab type standard table of abap_trans_parmbind with key name, abap_trans_parm_obj_bind_tab type sorted table of abap_trans_parm_obj_bind with unique key name. * OBJECT TABLE types: abap_trans_objname type string. types: begin of abap_trans_objbind, name type abap_trans_objname, value type ref to object, end of abap_trans_objbind. types: abap_trans_objbind_tab type standard table of abap_trans_objbind with key name. * SOURCE TABLE types: abap_trans_srcname type string. types: begin of abap_trans_srcbind, name type abap_trans_srcname, value type ref to data, end of abap_trans_srcbind. types: abap_trans_srcbind_tab type standard table of abap_trans_srcbind with key name, abap_trans_srcbind_tab_sorted type sorted table of abap_trans_srcbind with unique key name. * RESULT TABLE types: abap_trans_resname type string. types: begin of abap_trans_resbind, name type abap_trans_resname, value type ref to data, end of abap_trans_resbind. types: abap_trans_resbind_tab type standard table of abap_trans_resbind with key name, abap_trans_resbind_tab_sorted type sorted table of abap_trans_resbind with unique key name.
- SAP Type-Gruppe ABAP