Programm "ZSAPLINK"
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*/---------------------------------------------------------------------\ *| This file is part of SAPlink. | *| | *| SAPlink is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify | *| it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published | *| by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, | *| or (at your option) any later version. | *| | *| SAPlink is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, | *| but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of | *| MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the | *| GNU General Public License for more details. | *| | *| You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License | *| along with SAPlink; if not, write to the | *| Free Software Foundation, Inc., | *| 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA | *\---------------------------------------------------------------------/ */---------------------------------------------------------------------\ *| / __ \ | | (_) | | | | *| | / \/ ___ _ __ | |_ _ __ _| |__ _ _| |_ ___ _ __ ___ | *| | | / _ \| '_ \| __| '__| | '_ \| | | | __/ _ \| '__/ __| | *| | \__/\ (_) | | | | |_| | | | |_) | |_| | || (_) | | \__ \ | *| \____/\___/|_| |_|\__|_| |_|_.__/ \__,_|\__\___/|_| |___/ | *|---------------------------------------------------------------------| *| Lead Developers : ed herrmann | *| | *| dan mcweeney | *| | *|---------------------------------------------------------------------| *| For a full list of contributors visit: | *| | *| project homepage: <a href=""></a> | *| discussion group: <a href=""></a> | *| project wiki: <a href=""></a> *\---------------------------------------------------------------------/ REPORT ZSAPLINK. */------------------------DATA----------------------------\ TABLES: SSCRFIELDS, E071, E07T. TYPE-POOLS: icon, slis, sabc, stms, trwbo. types: begin of t_plugin, object type KO100-object, text type KO100-text, end of t_plugin. types: begin of t_objectTable, classname type string, object type ko100-object, text type ko100-text, end of t_objectTable. types: begin of t_nuggetObject, objType type string, objName type string, exists type flag, end of t_nuggetObject. *addition of package data **** Read all objects of the package types: begin of t_objects_package, select type char1, object type tadir-object, object_txt type string, obj_name type tadir-obj_name, srcsystem type tadir-srcsystem, down_flag type char1, status type char1, msg type string, end of t_objects_package. data objects_package type table of t_objects_package. data packageLine type t_objects_package. field-symbols: <obj> like line of objects_package. data tabletypeline type ko105. data tabletypesin type table of ko105. data tabletypesout type tr_object_texts. data tabletypeoutline type ko100. data lt_fieldcat type slis_t_fieldcat_alv. data ls_fieldcat like line of lt_fieldcat. data ls_layout type slis_layout_alv. data lv_count type i. data lv_pers type i. *end of data addition for packages *addition of Transport data types: begin of t_requestObject, object type e071-object, OBJ_NAME type e071-obj_name, end of t_requestObject. types: tt_requestObject TYPE TABLE OF t_requestObject. data it_requestObject type table of t_requestObject. data wa_requestObject type t_requestObject. *end of data addition for transport data pluginLine type t_plugin. data pluginList type table of t_plugin. data hidid(3) type c. data currentTab type string. data isSlinkee(1) type c value ' '. data objectTable type table of t_objectTable. data objectLine type t_objectTable. data _objName type string. data _objType type string. data nuggetName type string. data targetObject type ref to zsaplink. data xml type string. data excClass type ref to ZCX_SAPLINK. data errorMsg type string. data statusMsg type string. data _pluginExists type flag. data _objectExists type flag. data _flag type flag. data errorFlag type flag. data it_nuggetObject type table of t_nuggetObject. data wa_nuggetObject type t_nuggetObject. data defFilename type string. data retFileName type string. data retPath type string. data retFullpath type string. data retUserAct type i. data retFileTable type FILETABLE. data retRc type sysubrc. data retUserAction type i. data nugg type ref to zsaplink_nugget. data sTemp type string. data anXMLDoc type ref to if_ixml_document. data ixmlDocument type ref to if_ixml_document. data foo type ref to data. data len type i. data: l_marker type i, l_offset type i, l_total_offset type i. DATA: es_selected_request TYPE trwbo_request_header, es_selected_task TYPE trwbo_request_header, iv_organizer_type TYPE trwbo_calling_organizer, is_selection TYPE trwbo_selection. *\--------------------------------------------------------------------/ */------------------------SELECTION SCREEN----------------------------\ SELECTION-SCREEN BEGIN OF TABBED BLOCK tabb FOR 20 LINES. SELECTION-SCREEN TAB (17) text-tb2 USER-COMMAND nugg DEFAULT SCREEN 120. SELECTION-SCREEN TAB (17) text-tb1 USER-COMMAND obj DEFAULT SCREEN 110. SELECTION-SCREEN END OF BLOCK tabb. *Slinkee tab SELECTION-SCREEN BEGIN OF SCREEN 110 AS SUBSCREEN. selection-screen begin of block main with frame. selection-screen begin of block splk with frame title text-slk. parameters Import type c RADIOBUTTON GROUP 2 default 'X' user-command updown. parameters Export type c RADIOBUTTON GROUP 2. selection-screen end of block splk. selection-screen begin of block opt with frame title text-opt. parameters filename(300) lower case type c modif id did. parameters OverWr type c as checkbox modif id did. parameters plugin type KO100-object modif id uid. parameters objName(40) type c modif id uid. selection-screen end of block opt. selection-screen end of block main. SELECTION-SCREEN END OF SCREEN 110. *Nugget tab SELECTION-SCREEN BEGIN OF SCREEN 120 AS SUBSCREEN. selection-screen begin of block main2 with frame. selection-screen begin of block splk2 with frame title text-slk. parameters NugI type c RADIOBUTTON GROUP 3 default 'X' user-command updown. parameters nugD type c radiobutton group 3. selection-screen uline. parameters nugC type c radiobutton group 3. parameters NugA type c RADIOBUTTON GROUP 3. parameters nugP type c radiobutton group 3. parameters nugR type c radiobutton group 3. selection-screen end of block splk2. selection-screen begin of block opt2 with frame title text-opt. parameters NuggNam(300) type c modif id nnm. parameters nPlugIn type KO100-object modif id npg. parameters NObjNam(40) type c modif id npg. * parameters nPlugIn type KO100-object modif id npg. parameter package type tadir-devclass modif id npc. select-options ReqNugg for E071-TRKORR NO INTERVALS NO-EXTENSION modif id rnm. parameter NugFile(300) lower case type c modif id nfl. parameters nOvrWr type c as checkbox modif id now. selection-screen end of block opt2. selection-screen end of block main2. SELECTION-SCREEN END OF SCREEN 120. *\--------------------------------------------------------------------/ */----------------------selection screen events-----------------------\ initialization. call method zsaplink=>getplugins( changing objectTable = objectTable ). IMPORT isSlinkee FROM MEMORY ID 'ISSLNK'. if isSlinkee = 'X'. tabb-dynnr = 110. tabb-activetab = 'OBJ'. else. tabb-dynnr = 120. tabb-activetab = 'NUGG'. endif. at selection-screen. case SSCRFIELDS-UCOMM. when 'OBJ'. isSlinkee = 'X'. when 'NUGG'. isSlinkee = ' '. endcase. EXPORT isSlinkee TO MEMORY ID 'ISSLNK'. AT SELECTION-SCREEN OUTPUT. *** hide/show fields according to current selection if Import = 'X'. hidID = 'UID'. elseif Export = 'X'. hidID = 'DID'. endif. LOOP AT SCREEN. if SCREEN-GROUP1 = hidID. SCREEN-ACTIVE = '0'. SCREEN-INVISIBLE = '1'. MODIFY SCREEN. endif. ENDLOOP. loop at screen. if NugC = 'X'. if screen-group1 = 'NNM'. SCREEN-ACTIVE = '1'. SCREEN-INVISIBLE = '0'. MODIFY SCREEN. elseif screen-group1 = 'NPG' or screen-group1 = 'NFL' or screen-group1 = 'NOW' or screen-group1 = 'NPC' or screen-group1 = 'RNM'. SCREEN-ACTIVE = '0'. SCREEN-INVISIBLE = '1'. MODIFY SCREEN. endif. elseif NugI = 'X'. if screen-group1 = 'NFL' or screen-group1 = 'NOW'. SCREEN-ACTIVE = '1'. SCREEN-INVISIBLE = '0'. MODIFY SCREEN. elseif screen-group1 = 'NNM' or screen-group1 ='NPG' or screen-group1 = 'NPC' or screen-group1 = 'RNM'. SCREEN-ACTIVE = '0'. SCREEN-INVISIBLE = '1'. MODIFY SCREEN. endif. elseif NugA = 'X'. if screen-group1 = 'NFL' or screen-group1 = 'NPG'. SCREEN-ACTIVE = '1'. SCREEN-INVISIBLE = '0'. MODIFY SCREEN. elseif screen-group1 = 'NNM' or screen-group1 = 'NOW' or screen-group1 = 'NPC' or screen-group1 = 'RNM'. SCREEN-ACTIVE = '0'. SCREEN-INVISIBLE = '1'. MODIFY SCREEN. endif. elseif NugP = 'X'. if screen-group1 = 'NFL' or screen-group1 = 'NPC'. SCREEN-ACTIVE = '1'. SCREEN-INVISIBLE = '0'. MODIFY SCREEN. elseif screen-group1 = 'NNM' or screen-group1 = 'NOW' or screen-group1 = 'NPG' or screen-group1 = 'RNM'. SCREEN-ACTIVE = '0'. SCREEN-INVISIBLE = '1'. MODIFY SCREEN. endif. elseif NugD = 'X'. if screen-group1 = 'NFL'. SCREEN-ACTIVE = '1'. SCREEN-INVISIBLE = '0'. MODIFY SCREEN. elseif screen-group1 = 'NNM' or screen-group1 ='NPG' or screen-group1 = 'NOW' or screen-group1 = 'NPC' or screen-group1 = 'RNM'. SCREEN-ACTIVE = '0'. SCREEN-INVISIBLE = '1'. MODIFY SCREEN. endif. elseIf NugR = 'X'. if screen-group1 = 'NFL' or screen-group1 = 'RNM'. SCREEN-ACTIVE = '1'. SCREEN-INVISIBLE = '0'. MODIFY SCREEN. elseif screen-group1 = 'NNM' or screen-group1 = 'NOW' or screen-group1 = 'NPG' or screen-group1 = 'NPC'. SCREEN-ACTIVE = '0'. SCREEN-INVISIBLE = '1'. MODIFY SCREEN. endif. endif. endloop. *** value request for input fields at selection-screen on value-request for plugin. refresh pluginList. loop at objectTable into objectLine. move-corresponding objectLine to pluginLine. append pluginLine to pluginList. endloop. CALL FUNCTION 'F4IF_INT_TABLE_VALUE_REQUEST' EXPORTING retfield = 'OBJECT' window_title = 'Installed Plugins' dynpprog = sy-repid dynpnr = '1000' dynprofield = 'PLUGIN' value_org = 'S' TABLES value_tab = pluginList EXCEPTIONS PARAMETER_ERROR = 1 NO_VALUES_FOUND = 2 OTHERS = 3. at selection-screen on value-request for Nplugin. refresh pluginList. loop at objectTable into objectLine. move-corresponding objectLine to pluginLine. append pluginLine to pluginList. endloop. CALL FUNCTION 'F4IF_INT_TABLE_VALUE_REQUEST' EXPORTING retfield = 'OBJECT' window_title = 'Installed Plugins' dynpprog = sy-repid dynpnr = '1000' dynprofield = 'NPLUGIN' value_org = 'S' TABLES value_tab = pluginList EXCEPTIONS PARAMETER_ERROR = 1 NO_VALUES_FOUND = 2 OTHERS = 3. at selection-screen on value-request for filename. call method CL_GUI_FRONTEND_SERVICES=>FILE_OPEN_DIALOG exporting MULTISELECTION = abap_false FILE_FILTER = '*.slnk' DEFAULT_EXTENSION = 'slnk' changing FILE_TABLE = retFileTable rc = retRc user_Action = retUserAction. read table retFileTable into fileName index 1. at selection-screen on value-request for NugFile. call method CL_GUI_FRONTEND_SERVICES=>FILE_OPEN_DIALOG exporting MULTISELECTION = abap_false FILE_FILTER = '*.nugg' DEFAULT_EXTENSION = 'nugg' changing FILE_TABLE = retFileTable rc = retRc user_Action = retUserAction. read table retFileTable into NugFile index 1. * begin-->search help on objname according to selected plugin * provided by Michael Diehl AT SELECTION-SCREEN ON VALUE-REQUEST FOR objname. DATA l_object_type LIKE euobj-id. * l_object_type = plugin. "commented ewH *ewH-->get most current value of plugin param perform get_current_screen_value using 'PLUGIN' '0110' changing l_object_type. IF l_object_type IS NOT INITIAL. * rrq --> START of implementation for object specific value help data: temp_object type ko100-object. * move the object type to a field like the ObjectTable expects temp_object = l_object_type. read table objectTable into objectLine with key object = temp_object. IF sy-subrc = 0. * if it is found...intanciate it so you can call the right value help create object targetObject type (objectLine-classname) exporting name = _objName. _objType = l_object_type. CALL METHOD TARGETOBJECT->VALUEHELP EXPORTING I_OBJTYPE = _objType RECEIVING E_OBJNAME = _objName. objName = _objName. ENDIF. *commented out...moved logic to instance method of ZSAPLINK. to be overwritten by *objects that don't use the repository Info_system f4 Function * CALL FUNCTION 'REPOSITORY_INFO_SYSTEM_F4' * EXPORTING * object_type = l_object_type * object_name = objname * suppress_selection = 'X' * use_alv_grid = * without_personal_list = * IMPORTING * object_name_selected = objname * EXCEPTIONS * cancel = 1. *<-- rrq end of implentation for object specific value help ENDIF. AT SELECTION-SCREEN ON VALUE-REQUEST FOR nobjnam. DATA l_object_type LIKE euobj-id. * l_object_type = nplugin. "commented ewH *ewH-->get most current value of plugin param perform get_current_screen_value using 'NPLUGIN' '0120' changing l_object_type. IF l_object_type IS NOT INITIAL. * rrq --> START of implementation for object specific value help data: temp_object type ko100-object. * move the object type to a field like the ObjectTable expects temp_object = l_object_type. read table objectTable into objectLine with key object = temp_object. IF sy-subrc = 0. * if it is found...intanciate it so you can call the right value help create object targetObject type (objectLine-classname) exporting name = _objName. _objType = l_object_type. CALL METHOD TARGETOBJECT->VALUEHELP EXPORTING I_OBJTYPE = _objType RECEIVING E_OBJNAME = _objName. nobjnam = _objName. ENDIF. *commented out...moved logic to instance method of ZSAPLINK. to be overwritten by *objects that don't use the repository Info_system f4 Function * CALL FUNCTION 'REPOSITORY_INFO_SYSTEM_F4' * EXPORTING * object_type = l_object_type * object_name = objname * suppress_selection = 'X' * use_alv_grid = * without_personal_list = * IMPORTING * object_name_selected = objname * EXCEPTIONS * cancel = 1. *<-- rrq end of implentation for object specific value help ENDIF. * <--end of search help on objname according to selected plugin * provided by Michael Diehl at selection-screen on value-request for ReqNugg-low. iv_organizer_type = 'W'. * is_selection-reqstatus = 'R'. CALL FUNCTION 'TR_PRESENT_REQUESTS_SEL_POPUP' EXPORTING iv_organizer_type = iv_organizer_type is_selection = is_selection IMPORTING es_selected_request = es_selected_request es_selected_task = es_selected_task. ReqNugg-low = es_selected_request-trkorr. *\--------------------------------------------------------------------/ */----------------------main------------------------------------------\ start-of-selection. clear: errorMsg, statusMsg. ************* S L I N K E E ************* if isSlinkee is not initial. _objName = objName. * Export slinkee if Export = 'X'. if plugin is initial. message s208(00) with 'object type required'. exit. elseif _objName is initial. message s208(00) with 'object name required'. exit. endif. read table objectTable into objectLine with key object = plugin. if sy-subrc <> 0. concatenate 'Plugin for object type' plugin 'is not installed on this system' into errorMsg separated by space. perform writeMessage using 'E' errorMsg. exit. endif. create object targetObject type (objectLine-classname) exporting name = _objName. try. ixmlDocument = targetObject->CREATEIXMLDOCFROMOBJECT( ). catch ZCX_SAPLINK into excClass. errorMsg = excClass->get_text( ). perform writeMessage using 'E' errorMsg. endtry. if errorMsg is not initial. exit. endif. xml = zsapLink=>convertIxmlDoctoString( ixmlDocument ). concatenate plugin '_' _objName '.slnk' into defFilename. clear errorFlag. perform downloadXMLtoLM using defFilename xml changing errorFlag. if errorFlag is not initial. message s208(00) with 'Action cancelled'. exit. endif. perform displayXMLOnScreen using xml. * Import slinkee elseif Import = 'X'. if filename is initial. message s208(00) with 'slinkee filename required'. exit. endif. perform uploadXMLFromLM using filename xml. if sy-subrc <> 0. exit. endif. ixmlDocument = zsapLink=>convertStringToIxmlDoc( xml ). * run some checks before install perform checkObject using ixmlDocument changing _objType _objName _pluginExists _objectExists. move _objType to plugin. read table objectTable into objectLine with key object = plugin. if _objtype = 'NUGG'. message s208(00) with 'use nugget tab for nugget import'. exit. elseif _pluginExists is initial. concatenate 'There is no installed SAPlink plugin for object type' _objType into errorMsg separated by space. perform writeMessage using 'E' errorMsg. exit. elseif _objectExists = 'X' and overWr is initial. concatenate _objType objectline-text _objName 'already exists. Use overwrite orginals option to replace' into errorMsg separated by space. perform writeMessage using 'E' errorMsg. exit. elseif _objectExists = 'X' and overWr = 'X'. concatenate _objType _objName into sTemp separated by space. perform confirmOverwrite using sTemp changing _flag. if _flag = 'A'. "cancel perform writeMessage using 'W' 'Import cancelled by user'. exit. endif. endif. * install object perform installObject using ixmlDocument overWr changing errorFlag statusMsg. if errorFlag = 'X'. perform writeMessage using 'E' statusmsg. exit. else. perform writeMessage using 'S' statusmsg. endif. message s208(00) with 'Import successful'. endif. else. ************* N U G G E T ************* * create empty nugget if nugC = 'X'. if nuggNam is initial. message s208(00) with 'enter name of new nugget to be created'. exit. endif. stemp = nuggNam. perform CreateEmptyNugget using stemp. * add object to nugget elseif NugA = 'X'. if nplugin is initial. message s208(00) with 'object type required'. exit. elseif nobjNam is initial. message s208(00) with 'object name required'. exit. elseif nugfile is initial. message s208(00) with 'nugget filename required'. exit. endif. read table objectTable into objectLine with key object = nplugin. if sy-subrc <> 0. concatenate 'Plugin for object type' nplugin 'is not installed on this system' into errormsg separated by space. perform writeMessage using 'E' errormsg. exit. endif. sTemp = nuggNam. perform uploadXMLFromLM using nugfile xml. if sy-subrc <> 0. exit. endif. ixmlDocument = zsapLink=>convertStringToIxmlDoc( xml ). create object nugg exporting ixmlDocument = ixmlDocument. _objName = nobjNam. sTemp = nplugin. try. nugg->ADDOBJECTTONUGGET( objName = _objName objType = sTemp ). catch ZCX_SAPLINK into excClass. errorMsg = excClass->get_text( ). perform writeMessage using 'E' errorMsg. exit. endtry. ixmlDocument = nugg->CREATEIXMLDOCFROMNUGGET( ). xml = zsapLink=>convertIxmlDoctoString( ixmlDocument ). * concatenate nuggNam '.nugg' into sTemp. sTemp = nugFile. perform putOnMachine using sTemp xml. * import nugget elseif NugI = 'X'. if nugfile is initial. message s208(00) with 'nugget filename required'. exit. endif. perform uploadXMLFromLM using nugfile xml. if sy-subrc <> 0. exit. endif. ixmlDocument = zsapLink=>convertStringToIxmlDoc( xml ). nuggetName = zsaplink_nugget=>getnuggetinfo( ixmlDocument ). concatenate 'Start import of nugget' nuggetName into statusmsg separated by space. perform writeMessage using 'S' statusmsg. skip. create object nugg exporting ixmlDocument = ixmlDocument. * check for installed plugins clear errorFlag. refresh it_nuggetObject. anXMLDoc = nugg->getNextObject( ). while anXMLDoc is not Initial. clear: _objType, _objName, _pluginExists, _objectExists, wa_nuggetObject. perform checkObject using anXMLDoc changing _objType _objName _pluginExists _objectExists. if _pluginExists is initial. concatenate 'There is no installed SAPlink plugin for object type' _objType into errorMsg separated by space. perform writeMessage using 'E' errormsg. errorFlag = 'X'. elseif _objectExists = 'X' and nOvrWr is initial. concatenate _objType _objName 'already exists. Use overwrite' 'orginals option to replace' into errorMsg separated by space. perform writeMessage using 'W' errormsg. errorFlag = 'X'. endif. wa_nuggetObject-objType = _objType. wa_nuggetObject-objName = _objName. wa_nuggetObject-exists = _objectExists. append wa_nuggetObject to it_nuggetObject. anXMLDoc = nugg->getNextObject( ). endwhile. if errorFlag = 'X'. exit. endif. * confirm overwrite loop at it_nuggetObject into wa_nuggetObject where exists = 'X'. clear _flag. concatenate wa_nuggetObject-objType wa_nuggetObject-objName into sTemp separated by space. perform confirmOverwrite using sTemp changing _flag. if _flag = '1'. "yes continue. elseif _flag = '2'. "yes to all clear errorFlag. exit. elseif _flag = 'A'. "cancel perform writeMessage using 'W' 'Import cancelled by user'. errorFlag = 'X'. exit. endif. endloop. if errorFlag = 'X'. exit. endif. * install nugg->reset( ). "reset nugget iterator anXMLDoc = nugg->getNextObject( ). while anXMLDoc is not Initial. clear statusMsg. perform installObject using anXMLDoc nOvrWr changing errorFlag statusMsg. if errorFlag = 'X'. perform writeMessage using 'E' statusmsg. exit. else. perform writeMessage using 'S' statusmsg. anXMLDoc = nugg->getNextObject( ). endif. endwhile. if errorFlag = 'X'. exit. endif. * display objects in a nugget elseif NugD = 'X'. if nugfile is initial. message s208(00) with 'nugget filename required'. exit. endif. perform uploadXMLFromLM using nugfile xml. if sy-subrc <> 0. exit. endif. ixmlDocument = zsapLink=>convertStringToIxmlDoc( xml ). nuggetName = zsaplink_nugget=>getnuggetinfo( ixmlDocument ). write: / 'Object list for nugget ', nuggetName. skip. create object nugg exporting ixmlDocument = ixmlDocument. anXMLDoc = nugg->getNextObject( ). if anXMLDoc is initial. errorMsg = 'You have an empty Nugget'. perform writeMessage using 'W' errormsg. exit. endif. while anXMLDoc is not initial. call method zsapLink=>GETOBJECTInfoFROMIXMLDOC exporting ixmlDocument = anXMLDoc importing objtypename = _objType objname = _objName. concatenate _objType _objName into statusMsg separated by space. perform writeMessage using 'S' statusMsg. anXMLDoc = nugg->getNextObject( ). endwhile. * rrq: enhancement 3--> * add package to nugget elseif NugP = 'X'. if package is initial. message s208(00) with 'package required'. exit. endif. if nugfile is initial. message s208(00) with 'nugget filename required'. exit. endif. select object obj_name srcsystem from tadir into corresponding fields of table objects_package where devclass eq package and pgmid eq 'R3TR' "//-> Mar: Added logic discard deleted objects from Package - 08/20/2008 and delflag ne 'X'. "//<- Mar: Added logic discard deleted objects from Package - 08/20/2008 if sy-subrc <> 0. message s208(00) with 'Package does not exist or empty'. return. endif. perform addObjectstoNugget. * <-- rrq: enhancement 3 * rrq: enhancement 42--> * add objects from a transport to a nugget elseif nugr = 'X'. DATA: ReqName TYPE string. Data: L_TRKORR type e07t-trkorr, l_as4text type e07t-as4text. if nugfile is initial. message s208(00) with 'nugget filename required'. exit. endif. if ReqNugg[] is initial. message s208(00) with 'Request number required'. exit. endif. select single trkorr from e070 into l_trkorr where trkorr in reqNugg. if sy-subrc <> 0. message s208(00) with 'Transport not found'. exit. endif. SELECT Single TRKORR AS4TEXT FROM E07T INTO (l_TRKORR, L_as4text) WHERE TRKORR IN ReqNugg AND LANGU EQ sy-langu. * ewH-->retrieve tasks as well as transports ranges: ra_reqNugg for e070-trkorr. data: wa_trkorr type e070-trkorr, it_trkorr type table of e070-trkorr, wa_reqNugg like line of ra_reqNugg. select trkorr from e070 into table it_trkorr where strkorr in reqNugg. ra_reqNugg[] = reqNugg[]. loop at it_trkorr into wa_trkorr. wa_reqNugg-sign = 'I'. wa_reqNugg-option = 'EQ'. wa_reqNugg-low = wa_trkorr. append wa_reqNugg to ra_reqNugg. endloop. * <--ewH SELECT object OBJ_NAME FROM E071 INTO TABLE it_requestobject * WHERE TRKORR in ReqNugg. WHERE TRKORR in ra_ReqNugg "ewH and PGMID = 'R3TR'. "ewH: don't need subobjects if sy-subrc = 0. ReqName = l_TRKORR. else. message s208(00) with 'No R3TR objects in request'. exit. ENDIF. loop at it_requestObject into wa_requestObject. move-corresponding wa_requestObject to packageLine. append packageLine to objects_package. endloop. perform addObjectstoNugget. endif. endif. *\--------------------------------------------------------------------/ */----------------------displayXMLOnScreen----------------------------\ form displayXMLOnScreen using xmlString type string. data printXMLDoc type ref to cl_xml_document. data rc type sysubrc. create object printXMLDoc. rc = printXMLDoc->parse_string( xmlString ). call method printXMLDoc->display( ). endform. *\--------------------------------------------------------------------/ */----------------------downloadXMLToLM-------------------------------\ form downloadXMLToLM using defFilename type string xmlString type string changing _errorFlag type flag. data retFileName type string. data retPath type string. data retFullpath type string. data retUserAct type i. clear _errorFlag. call method CL_GUI_FRONTEND_SERVICES=>FILE_SAVE_DIALOG exporting DEFAULT_FILE_NAME = defFilename changing FILENAME = retFileName PATH = retPath FULLPATH = retFullPath USER_ACTION = retUserAct. if retUserAct <> 0. _errorFlag = 'X'. else. perform putOnMachine using retFullPath xmlString. endif. endform. *\--------------------------------------------------------------------/ */------------------------putOnMachine--------------------------------\ form putOnMachine using fullpath type string xmlString type string. *rrq: issue 43--> replace binary with char table *old code removed, use subversion for recovery *types: begin of t_char, * maxChar(65535) type C, * end of t_char. *data: tempTable_char type table of t_char, data: tempTable_char type table_of_strings, tempString type string. if retUserAct = 0. split xmlString at CL_ABAP_CHAR_UTILITIES=>NEWLINE into table tempTable_char. call method CL_GUI_FRONTEND_SERVICES=>GUI_DOWNLOAD exporting FILENAME = fullpath FILETYPE = 'DAT' changing DATA_TAB = tempTable_char. endif. *<--rrq: issue 43 endform. *\--------------------------------------------------------------------/ */----------------------uploadXMLFromLM-------------------------------\ form uploadXMLFromLM using p_filename xmlString type string . data retFileTable type FILETABLE. data retRc type sysubrc. data retUserAction type i. data tempTable type table_of_strings. data tempTable_bin type table of xstring. data l_fileName type string. l_fileName = p_filename. call method CL_GUI_FRONTEND_SERVICES=>GUI_UPLOAD exporting FILENAME = l_fileName changing data_tab = tempTable EXCEPTIONS FILE_OPEN_ERROR = 1 FILE_READ_ERROR = 2 NO_BATCH = 3 GUI_REFUSE_FILETRANSFER = 4 INVALID_TYPE = 5 NO_AUTHORITY = 6 UNKNOWN_ERROR = 7 BAD_DATA_FORMAT = 8 HEADER_NOT_ALLOWED = 9 SEPARATOR_NOT_ALLOWED = 10 HEADER_TOO_LONG = 11 UNKNOWN_DP_ERROR = 12 ACCESS_DENIED = 13 DP_OUT_OF_MEMORY = 14 DISK_FULL = 15 DP_TIMEOUT = 16 NOT_SUPPORTED_BY_GUI = 17 ERROR_NO_GUI = 18 others = 19. IF SY-SUBRC <> 0. case sy-subrc. when '1'. perform writeMessage using 'E' 'File Open Error'. when others. perform writeMessage using 'E' 'Unknown Error occured'. endcase. ENDIF. * call method CL_GUI_FRONTEND_SERVICES=>GUI_UPLOAD * exporting * FILENAME = l_fileName * changing * data_tab = tempTable. perform createString using tempTable changing xmlString. endform. *\--------------------------------------------------------------------/ */----------------------createString----------------------------------\ form createString using tempTable type table_of_strings changing bigString type string. data sTemp type string. loop at tempTable into sTemp. concatenate bigString sTemp CL_ABAP_CHAR_UTILITIES=>NEWLINE into bigString. endloop. endform. *\--------------------------------------------------------------------/ */----------------------installObject---------------------------------\ form installObject using l_ixmlDocument type ref to if_ixml_document l_overwriteFlag type flag changing l_errorFlag type flag l_message type string. data l_objName type string. data l_objType type string. data l_objTable type table of t_objectTable. data l_objLine type t_objectTable. data l_targetObject type ref to zsaplink. data l_installObject type string. data l_excClass type ref to ZCX_SAPLINK. clear l_errorFlag. call method zsapLink=>GETOBJECTInfoFROMIXMLDOC exporting ixmlDocument = l_ixmlDocument importing objtypename = l_objType objname = l_objName. call method zsaplink=>getplugins( changing objectTable = l_objTable ). read table l_objTable into l_objLine with key object = l_objType. if sy-subrc <> 0. concatenate 'There is no installed SAPlink plugin for object type' l_objType l_objLine-text into l_message separated by space. l_errorFlag = 'X'. else. create object l_targetObject type (l_objLine-classname) exporting name = l_objName. try. l_installObject = l_targetObject->createObjectfromiXMLDoc( ixmlDocument = l_ixmlDocument overwrite = l_overwriteFlag ). * bad times catch ZCX_SAPLINK into l_excClass. l_message = l_excClass->get_text( ). l_errorFlag = 'X'. endtry. * good times if l_installObject is not initial. concatenate 'Installed: ' l_objType '-' l_installObject into l_message separated by space. endif. endif. endform. *\--------------------------------------------------------------------/ */----------------------confirmOverwrite------------------------------\ form confirmOverwrite using l_objInfo type string changing l_answer type flag. data l_message type string. data l_title type string. clear l_answer. l_title = 'Overwrite confirm. Proceed with CAUTION!'. concatenate 'You have selected to overwrite originals.' l_objinfo 'will be overwritten. Are you sure?' into l_message separated by space. CALL FUNCTION 'POPUP_TO_CONFIRM' EXPORTING TITLEBAR = l_title text_question = l_message TEXT_BUTTON_1 = 'Yes' TEXT_BUTTON_2 = 'Yes to all' DEFAULT_BUTTON = '1' DISPLAY_CANCEL_BUTTON = 'X' IMPORTING ANSWER = l_answer . endform. *\--------------------------------------------------------------------/ */----------------------checkObject-----------------------------------\ form checkObject using l_ixmlDocument type ref to if_ixml_document changing l_objType type string l_objName type string l_pluginExists type flag l_objectExists type flag. data l_objTable type table of t_objectTable. data l_objLine type t_objectTable. data l_targetObject type ref to zsaplink. clear: l_objType, l_objName, l_pluginExists, l_objectExists. call method zsapLink=>GETOBJECTInfoFROMIXMLDOC exporting ixmlDocument = l_ixmlDocument importing objtypename = l_objType objname = l_objName. call method zsaplink=>getplugins( changing objectTable = l_objTable ). read table l_objTable into l_objLine with key object = l_objType. if sy-subrc = 0. l_pluginExists = 'X'. create object l_targetObject type (l_objLine-classname) exporting name = l_objName. l_objectExists = l_targetObject->checkexists( ). endif. endform. *\--------------------------------------------------------------------/ */---------------------get_current_screen_value-----------------------\ form get_current_screen_value using l_screen_field l_screen_number changing l_screen_value. DATA it_dynpfields TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF dynpread. DATA wa_dynpfields TYPE dynpread. wa_dynpfields-fieldname = l_screen_field. APPEND wa_dynpfields TO it_dynpfields. CALL FUNCTION 'DYNP_VALUES_READ' EXPORTING dyname = sy-cprog dynumb = l_screen_number translate_to_upper = 'X' * REQUEST = ' ' * PERFORM_CONVERSION_EXITS = ' ' * PERFORM_INPUT_CONVERSION = ' ' * DETERMINE_LOOP_INDEX = ' ' TABLES dynpfields = it_dynpfields EXCEPTIONS invalid_abapworkarea = 1 invalid_dynprofield = 2 invalid_dynproname = 3 invalid_dynpronummer = 4 invalid_request = 5 no_fielddescription = 6 invalid_parameter = 7 undefind_error = 8 double_conversion = 9 stepl_not_found = 10 OTHERS = 11 . IF sy-subrc <> 0. * MESSAGE ID SY-MSGID TYPE SY-MSGTY NUMBER SY-MSGNO * WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4. ELSE. READ TABLE it_dynpfields into wa_dynpfields WITH KEY fieldname = l_screen_field. if sy-subrc = 0. l_screen_value = wa_dynpfields-fieldvalue. endif. ENDIF. endform. " get_current_screen_value */---------------------writeMessage-----------------------\ form WriteMessage USING VALUE(p_type) type sy-msgty VALUE(p_msg). CASE p_type. WHEN 'E' OR 'A' OR 'X'. WRITE / icon_led_red AS ICON. WHEN 'W'. WRITE / icon_led_yellow AS ICON. WHEN OTHERS. WRITE / icon_led_green AS ICON. ENDCASE. WRITE p_msg. endform. "WriteMessage */-------------------------pf_status_set-------------------\ form pf_status_set using rt_extab type slis_t_extab. set pf-status 'SELOBJ' excluding rt_extab. endform. "pf_status_set */-------------------------user_command_user-------------------\ form user_command_user using r_ucomm like sy-ucomm rs_selfield type slis_selfield. case r_ucomm. when 'TAKE'. rs_selfield-exit = 'X'. endcase. endform. "user_command_user *---------------build_fieldCatalog---------------------------------* FORM build_fieldCatalog . *** Display list to select the objects for downloading ls_fieldcat-fieldname = 'OBJECT'. ls_fieldcat-seltext_l = 'Object/Plugin'. append ls_fieldcat to lt_fieldcat. ls_fieldcat-fieldname = 'OBJECT_TXT'. ls_fieldcat-seltext_l = 'Object/Plugin'. append ls_fieldcat to lt_fieldcat. ls_fieldcat-fieldname = 'OBJ_NAME'. ls_fieldcat-seltext_l = 'Object name'. append ls_fieldcat to lt_fieldcat. ls_fieldcat-fieldname = 'DOWN_FLAG'. ls_fieldcat-seltext_s = 'Plugin'. ls_fieldcat-seltext_l = 'Plugin available'. append ls_fieldcat to lt_fieldcat. ls_fieldcat-fieldname = 'MSG'. ls_fieldcat-seltext_s = 'Message'. ls_fieldcat-seltext_l = 'Status Message'. append ls_fieldcat to lt_fieldcat. ls_layout-box_fieldname = 'SELECT'. ls_layout-f2code = 'MYPICK' . ls_layout-colwidth_optimize = 'X'. ls_layout-lights_fieldname = 'STATUS'. ENDFORM. " build_fieldCatalog *&--------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form ShowInitialGrid FORM ShowInitialGrid TABLES P_OBJECTS. call function 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY' exporting i_callback_program = 'ZSAPLINK' i_callback_pf_status_set = 'PF_STATUS_SET' i_callback_user_command = 'USER_COMMAND_USER' i_grid_title = 'Select objects' it_fieldcat = lt_fieldcat is_layout = ls_layout tables t_outtab = P_OBJECTS exceptions others = 0. ENDFORM. " ShowInitialGrid *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form showResultsGrid FORM showResultsGrid TABLES P_OBJECTS. * ** Display results call function 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY' exporting i_callback_program = 'ZSAPLINK' i_callback_user_command = 'USER_COMMAND_USER' it_fieldcat = lt_fieldcat i_grid_title = 'Download results' is_layout = ls_layout tables t_outtab = p_objects exceptions others = 0. ENDFORM. " showResultsGrid *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form check_objects *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * --> p1 text * <-- p2 text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM check_objects . loop at objects_package assigning <obj>. * Check what can be downloaded and what can not. read table objecttable into objectline with key object = <obj>-object. if sy-subrc = 0. * Plug-in exists... set flag and make selected by default <obj>-down_flag = 'X'. <obj>-select = 'X'. else. <obj>-msg = 'No Plugin Available'. <obj>-down_flag = ' '. endif. * get texts refresh tabletypesin. tabletypeline-object = <obj>-object. append tabletypeline to tabletypesin. call function 'TRINT_OBJECT_TABLE' tables tt_types_in = tabletypesin tt_types_out = tabletypesout. loop at tabletypesout into tabletypeoutline. <obj>-object = tabletypeoutline-object. <obj>-object_txt = tabletypeoutline-text. endloop. endloop. sort objects_package by down_flag descending object ascending. ENDFORM. " check_objects *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form CreateEmptyNugget *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * --> p1 text * <-- p2 text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM CreateEmptyNugget using p_NuggName. ixmlDocument = zsaplink_nugget=>createemptyXML( nuggetName = p_NuggName ). xml = zsapLink=>convertIxmlDoctoString( ixmlDocument ). concatenate 'NUGG_' p_nuggName '.nugg' into sTemp. clear errorFlag. perform downloadXMLtoLM using sTemp xml changing errorFlag. if errorFlag is not initial. exit. endif. ENDFORM. " CreateEmptyNugget *rrq: enhancement 3 & 42--> *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form addObjectstoNugget *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* form addObjectstoNugget . perform check_objects. perform build_fieldCatalog. perform ShowInitialGrid tables objects_package. if sy-ucomm <> 'TAKE'. return. endif . * Downloading call function 'SAPGUI_PROGRESS_INDICATOR' exporting percentage = 1 text = 'Upload file'. perform uploadxmlfromlm using nugfile xml. ixmldocument = zsaplink=>convertstringtoixmldoc( xml ). create object nugg exporting ixmldocument = ixmldocument. describe table objects_package lines lv_count. loop at objects_package assigning <obj> where down_flag = 'X' and select = 'X'. lv_pers = sy-tabix * 100 / lv_count . call function 'SAPGUI_PROGRESS_INDICATOR' exporting percentage = lv_pers text = <obj>-obj_name. _objname = <obj>-obj_name. "nobjNam. stemp = <obj>-object. "nplugin. try. nugg->addobjecttonugget( objname = _objname objtype = stemp ). catch zcx_saplink into excclass. errormsg = excclass->get_text( ). * perform writeMessage using 'E' errorMsg. <obj>-msg = errorMsg. <obj>-status = 1. continue. endtry. <obj>-msg = 'Added to nugget'. <obj>-status = 3. endloop. read table objects_package into packageLine with key status = 3. "ewH:do not download if none added if sy-subrc = 0. ixmldocument = nugg->createixmldocfromnugget( ). xml = zsaplink=>convertixmldoctostring( ixmldocument ). stemp = nugfile. perform putonmachine using stemp xml. endif. perform showResultsGrid tables objects_package. endform. " addObjectstoNugget * <--rrq: enhancement 3 & 42